Did you know that Video can increase conversion rates by 80% or that video in an email leads to 200-300% increase in click throughs? How often do your videos show up in that traffic? Here are five powerful types of videos that should be on your company’s radar.

1. Story

Your story is most important and articulates what your company and products do in 60 to 90 seconds. Introduce what the viewer needs and then, of course, highlight your company as the answer to that need.

Have a think about certain product features and take advantage of being able to show them as well as talk about them. Use language and a style that reflects what you are trying to sell but also that your audience can relate to.

Videos that tell your story can:

  • Address any points that your audience may feel would stop them from using your company or product
  • Highlight any notable brands that work with our company or use your product to build trustworthiness
  • Include a call to action at the end to enable your audience to find out more about your company and why they need you

2. Brand

By creating a brand video you should clearly communicate what really makes your company tick. 87% of online marketers now use video so don’t let your company get left behind.

Don’t tell your audience everything about yourselves or your product immediately. Introduce the bigger picture and set the scene but don’t be scared to be abstract and generate curiosity.

Coming up with something original and creative can be tricky, especially when your competitors are looking to do the same thing, but no brand has cracked the code this year quite like BuzzFeed. They have spent a tremendous amount of effort finding out what type of content resonates best with viewers on every platform and figuring out the most efficient way to draw in viewers based on compelling titles and thumbnails.

BuzzFeed have perfected their brand and produce videos that fit within it, resulting in shareable content that has garnered more than 4.7 billion views on YouTube in the past year and another 8.8 billion on Facebook.

3. Demo

Got a new product, feature or are working on something behind the scenes? Treat your audience to previews or demos of your new products.

If you have a new piece of software, you may want to create a video using a screen casting software that allows the customer to follow through and use it, or you might want to give a sneak peak of something unique that you have created. For example, Danny has a new business that sells leather bags that are made in the UK and this is what makes his business unique. He has three members of staff that work on making the bags and he films some behind the scenes footage mid-creation and posts this to Instagram with the hashtag #SneakPeak.

This engages his audience by letting them know that something is being created for them. It’s a great way of gaining customer attention and strong use of social media for a product launch.

4. Case study

Case study videos show real-life customers who help you build trust with potential customers. You want your audience to be able to identify with this person, so the subject must be credible and share similar goals.

Not On The High Street.com do this incredibly well by telling stories of their traders and their successes whilst using their platform. This one tells the story of a 12 year old entrepreneur who is an author and sells his book on the website and is really well done. As well as playing with the audience’s emotions, it’s a great story to inspire any potential traders to use the company to sell their goods.

Case studies that are real and fully grab your audience’s attention and will work well for any kind of business.

5. Culture

A culture video humanises your company and shows the people behind the brand. Showcasing your team, how you work together and what you get up to and makes your company into something real that the audience can relate to.

Have a think about it – before social media existed, companies that you recognised had a face. We all knew that Richard Branson owned Virgin and Bill Gates owned Microsoft, but with the advent of social media, sharing whatever you want to about your business, the people behind it and your ethos and mission is easier than ever.

If your audience can keep up to date with who you are, what you do and what you stand for, they can see for themselves that your company has a real and human side, is trustworthy and therefore someone that they would be happy to do business with.

We love making videos! So if you need any advice or would like us to make a video for your business, come in for a coffee!