You read that right. If you are in content marketing, lucky you! You actually have a highly sought-after job, but with a slightly less snazzy title.

If you spent your childhood in front of the television set wishing you could really challenge those daring CBBC presenters or make up show formats to get your favourite sporting heroes to debate, you’re very nearly there.

Here are five reasons being a marketer is practically the same as a TV director (almost!).

ONE: You get paid to have ideas

Ever uttered the words, “I wish there was a job where I could get paid just to think up ideas?” Now you can. With content marketing you get to sit in a room with your team brainstorming fantastic ideas for taglines, campaigns and articles.

TWO: You get to be creative

You get to have fun creating and honing that fantastic content each day. The excitement of imminent deadlines and the fast-pace of putting in place all those tweets to draw in website traffic is a thrill akin to what people go through when live on air.

THREE: You have to create – Consistently

This is where the stress comes into its own. Most other jobs require you to have a good idea every now and again. Being a TV show creator, marketer or even teacher requires you to keep coming up with fresh concepts daily.

FOUR: You have your own channel

Every TV station has programmes and a website with rich media content.

You do too.

Your “channel” or your content hub, is your collection of exciting resources and materials for people to watch, download and engage with. You should have video content, podcasts and a blog as well as ebooks and social media treats. Don’t forget your own “TV guide” page in the form of an email newsletter to tell everyone about your fabulous content.

FIVE: You are sharing a constant narrative with your audience

Keeping fans updated with the stories you tell about your brand keeps them engaged and in a conversation with you. Creating a meaningful relationship is part and parcel of the inbound marketing process just as TV channels have an ongoing dialogue with their audience to keep them coming back for more.

SIX: You still have to worry about ratings

In marketing, they are not called ratings. They are called analytics, but we still have to worry about them. We have to ensure that our work is having the desired response. If not we have to hit the kill switch and go back the drawing board.