LinkedIn page loading on phone on desk


We find that LinkedIn is a platform that some people tend to steer away from, purely due to them not understanding it or not knowing what to post to get the results that they’re after. 

But LinkedIn is a very important tool that your business should be utilising. It’s a professional space for customers to learn more about your brand and the people who work there, as well as engage with relevant content.

So if you’re feeling lost and you don’t know where to start, you’re in safe hands! Here is our ultimate beginner’s guide to creating a LinkedIn page that stands out and gets you the results that you’re looking for…

Optimising the page for search

First of all, it’s important to note that LinkedIn is a great platform for increasing your brand awareness. But to ensure your page is optimised for search, there are a few key things that you need to keep in mind before you start creating any posts.


Keywords are terms that your potential customers are searching for to find specific information. They are mainly used on websites to optimise search engine results, but they can also be useful on platforms such as LinkedIn. By inserting keywords into your posts, you’ll be more likely to come up in the top results. 

Finding the relevant keywords for your personal or company profile does require keyword research, which can take up a lot of your time. This is something that we cover before doing any other work on our clients’ social media pages. 

Employees are linked to the page

We all know that one of the first things LinkedIn asks for when you build a page is either which company you work for (if it’s a personal profile) or who your employees are (if it’s a company profile). Linking your employees to the page is another way to optimise your page for search, as you become a more detailed page which will have higher trust from the platform’s bots.

Relevant content

As with any marketing effort, it’s also important for your business to be posting content that your target audience will want to read. If you’re going to take anything from this blog post, it’s that “salesy” content doesn’t work well on LinkedIn. 

Don’t worry, we’re not just going to tell you to “post relevant content” without giving you a few ideas first. This takes us nicely on to…

Post ideas for your LinkedIn page

Whether it’s a business page or your personal page, generally there is a trend of which posts get high reach and engagement. Here are five easy posts that we have found perform well on LinkedIn…

1. Fresh ideas

This works especially on personal pages as there’s a face behind the idea and your connections will be more likely to support you on it. If you have any ideas on changes that could be made to your industry or any new products or services that are coming to your company, sharing these on LinkedIn will usually get support from your connections and improve your reach to new audiences.

2. Company news

Company news is the key to any business’ LinkedIn profile. People love to see people and will tend to engage more with posts that mention them. For example, if you’ve had a meeting with a client, another business, or even a business friend, you could take a picture with them and talk about the meeting in the caption. Or if your business is moving location, opening a new branch, launching new products, anything exciting will work for this one! 

3. Engaging and insightful topics

If there’s anything that will engage your audience and encourage them to share a post, it’s talking about industry topics that will interest them. Think about the people that you are trying to attract, what their personal interests are, and what their hobbies might be, and then you’ll have a range of topics that they might be interested in. Creating customer personas will help you with this. 

4. Employee spotlights

Usually, people like to see their connections doing well and being appreciated in the company or industry that they’re in. This means applauding a team member for a great piece of work they’ve done, or just giving them the recognition they deserve for all their hard work in general – this is a great post idea for your LinkedIn page. It’s important to remember to tag the employee into the post, so they can reshare it on their page which will make their connections engage with it more. 

5. New-starter welcome posts

We all see our connections announcing their new jobs on LinkedIn, but how often do you see a business welcoming a new member on a LinkedIn post? This type of post will make the member feel more welcomed and will also improve your brand image to customers and potential employees. Win-win for everyone! 

So, ready to level up your LinkedIn page? 

Considering the above is a great place to start when you want to get the most out of your LinkedIn page. However, if you’re not posting consistently, not using high-quality branded graphics, or your caption isn’t written in a clear and concise way, then you might not see the results you were hoping for. 

That’s why leaving it to the experts ensures your page is ticking all the boxes and will be en route to being a stand-out page that gets high engagement and brings in new potential customers.

Our team is always on hand to work with you to create a page that you can be proud of. You can discover more by giving us a call or sending us a message here